It's hard to believe that 2 years have come and gone and i'm now finishing up college. It's been an amazing time! i've learnt so much, made some amazing friends, been challenged in ways that i never imagined, and to finish up my time at college i even got to present my project from the same platform as Don Carson at the college Projects Fair. Here's my proof (and no, i haven't just photoshopped my name onto it)

It's been an amazing privilege to be able to take a couple years out to go to college, learn from God's word and be surrounded by an amazing community of people, but now i am ready to get back into the 'real world' and am really looking forward to heading back to Thailand. There's lots of prep that still needs to be done before heading back. Top of the list is to start partnership development and start sorting out all the logistical aspects of getting visas, sorting out budgets and finance, cleaning out my room, getting all my shots, spending time with family and friends etc etc etc. I'd really appreciate your prayers for all of that.