For those who are local and are keen to find out more about what i'll be up to, i'll be having an info night on:
Date: Friday 28th September
Time: 8-9.30pm
Where: Drummoyne Presbyterian Church Hall
63 College St, Drummoyne
Supper will be provided.
It'll just be a casual night where i will share some of the highlights of the ways that God has been opening doors so far, some of the ministry opportunities i hope to be involved with next year and even ministry opportunities i don't yet know about, what happens when the year is up and ways that you can be a part of it all.
i hope that you can make it along, not only because i'm really excited about sharing it with you and want you to be as awed as i am about how amazing God really is, but also so i don't have to repeat it a hundred times - actually, i doubt i'll get sick of sharing it. :)
if you can make it, it'd be great if you could email me so i can get an idea of how many to cater for.
If you can't make it, no worries. hopefully i'll get round to updating this blog to fill you in on all the details that you miss out on, or even better, we'll get to catch up soon and i can share with you in person.