i was going to try and post a photo of me sharing with the 'worship' team last night, but the reality is that i ended up sharing in the dark by the light of my computer screen because for some reason the lights just wouldn't turn on at church. It seems a blessing in disguise that the printer i was trying to print my notes out on was out of ink, so i had to take my computer along. it's funny the way that God works :)
So during the week, i was trying to work out what to share with the team. While the temptation for many church musicians is to work out how to try and make music sound bigger and better, i thought instead that i'd spend my time encouraging them to think about why we meet as Christians, where music fits into church and the purpose of it, and what our attitudes should be as we serve the church. To do this we looked at a few passages from the Bible (Rom 12:1-2, Heb 10:23-25, Eph 5:19-20 and Col 3:16-17). We then had a think about choice of songs -how to choose songs, ideas on deciding what songs to sing each week, The importance of practice and our attitude of service with whatever God has given us to work with. While preparing for this time of sharing, it was a great way for me to be reminded of many things not only about serving with music in church, but also why we do meet up for church each week and the importance of wanting to build each other up in Christ, to spur each other on and to be giving thanks to God as we remember all that Christ has done for us.
I think it went well, i guess it's hard to tell when you're all sitting in the dark and can't really see people's faces by the end. :) haha Obviously i had to have it all translated, but there were lots of questions at the end and i think they found it helpful. Unfortunately i couldn't stay for the actual music practice as i had to head off to dinner, but hopefully i'll make it to a practice in a couple weeks time after i get back from conference.