This Thursday - Saturday, i'm heading up to Chiang Rai (well a bit out of Chiang Rai) to help one of my friends Buu teach some english at a school she's been helping at over the past year. i was actually meant to go up last December for a 'christmas' special, but due to a whole host of reasons, unfortunately couldn't make it up. This month has been crazy as too but i'd promised to go up, so have managed to find a few days inbetween to go up.
The current plan (which for those of you who have ever come to teach in Thailand will know can change at anytime), is to teach 6 classes of 32 students in the day, with the help of my friend Buu. Should be interesting :) Apparently the kids english isn't really all that good at all, was am thinking to limit the lessons to numbers colours and body parts (hey, just want to be able to use the song Head's Shoulders knees and toes). Anyway, plan is to use all sorts of crazy games, songs etc to try and help them remember colours and numbers. And at the end i also want to teach them Colin's song 10,9,8. It's simple and hopefully will be a way for us to explain to them how great God really is!! and hoping even more they'll understand it and remember it!
for those praying, please pray for safe travels to and from there. i'm going to be driving up (about 3-4hr drive)
- pray for wisdom in lesson prep (still haven't sorted it all out yet - hopefully tonights job)
- pray for the kids that we'll be teaching, that they'll understand some awesome truths about God