It's been a really exciting past few weeks as Kim and i have started taking our cell group through the big picture of the bible. To see people who are new christians who've hardly read any of the Bible reading stories in the Bible for the first time, to others who are familiar with many of the stories, but not sure as to why each story in the bible is important or how it fits into the big picture of God's plan of salvation. It's been a real privilege to be able to prepare all the studies with Kim, and then to see her lead them and watching as her enthusiasm and excitement for what she's learn is passed onto other members of the group. What's been really interesting and amusing is when we started, it was quite easy to do a study on creation, then the fall, then God's promise to Abraham. But as we're getting into learning about the Israelites and doing big sweeps of the bible, like covering Exodus to Deuteronomy in one hit, it's been really challenging to work out what to include, what to leave out, how much of a general sweep do we do, how do you cover that much when there are people in the group who have never even read any of the stuff we're covering, so how do we fill them in on lots of 'assumed knowledge'. it's been tough, but really good working it all out.
In amongst all the prep and teaching, there has been lots of uncertainty over the past few months on a week to week basis as to whether Kim will even be able to make it to cell group to teach because of her ever changing work schedule. VERY scary thought for me, as the current plan B's are basically for me to take it, try and train up one of the other girls in our group to help translate as i teach, or find some other activity to do instead of a bible study when kim isn't able to make it. We've been praying hard that my language will improve considerably to be able to take the study in Kim's absence, however especially as we're starting to do major sweeps of the Bible and there's lots of 'story telling' involved, it's REALLY hard for me to do, and i also feel really sorry for the group having to try and understand all that i want to say. But God in his sovereignty knows that i am probably not quite ready, and EVERY single time that it's looked like i've had to teach, God has stepped in at the last moment to change kim's work schedule, so she CAN make it to cell group to teach!! Isn't God just the BEST?!?!?!
Anyway, things to be praying for:
- kim and i as we continue to prepare studies to teach the group. pray for wisdom & understanding.
- pray for kim's continued work situation and uncertainty of work schedules, that God will continue to be sovereign over all
- pray for my language to improve so that i might be able to day :)