Since midday yesterday, the rain hasn't stopped in Chiang Mai, so there were doubts on whether anyone would even turn up, and for those of us running the kids program, where we'd do it, as we were counting on doing it outside in the garden, as the church building in Mae Daang has one room, which was being used for the medical checkups. Even when we got there, there were only a handful of people, and it felt like the team from church was going to significantly outnumber the town people that went along. But as time went on, praise God, that there were probably about 50 or so adults and kids that came along :)
In the kids program, we have just finished going through Acts with the kids and helping the kids understand and know how to share the gospel. So the timing was perfect in getting the kids to help be part of the gospel content of the kids program. It was REALLY exciting when were trying to practice and get them involved at church yesterday, to see them all volunteering to be a part of it, and be really excited to help. They all learnt their 'line' and did a fantastic job. We're hoping that the kids will be able to do the skit they did in front of church on sunday so all the adults can also get a chance to hear the gospel, and be encouraged by the kids and what they've been learning too.
We haven't had a full chance to debrief and hear about all the different opportunities that people had to share the gospel, but as i looked around the room during lunch, and looked through some of the church photos, it was really exciting to see church people engaging in conversations with the locals and taking the opportunities they could to be sharing the gospel.
There's so much more that i'd love to share about today, but will leave it there for now :)
Here are a few photos from today, if you want to see more of the 'official' photos, you can check out the church website Grace Church Mission Photos

the team with the locals
playing games with the kids
the gospel skit with the kids - 'God made the world'
gospel skit - the kids watching
gospel skit -' we need to decide if we'll follow jesus or not'
gospel skit -' we need to decide if we'll follow jesus or not'
the kids from the village
John & Ajarn Jazz sharing with the locals over lunch