Here are a few of the shots from the ride. What cracked me up was before the ride, we had to sign the indemnity form which had this awesome line about using the brakes. I must admit i HAD to use my brakes almost all the time as we were coming down the mountain, cos if it didn't i was going to crash into the bike in front. Thankfully they still worked.
The smiling faces before we went...
Kim thinking she'd be able ride, before she realised she couldn't even ride straight on a the road
Kim eventually ending up on my bike
On the road
Some of the off road track
The indemnity form about using the brakes
the awesome views from the mountain
with the team on the mountain
Afterwards, we went to have lunch at a waterfall. It was a really good time of catching up and sharing about the different things that God has been teaching us over the past couple years. I was sooo encouraged by all the things they they've all been learning, challenged by, the ways that they've been changing their views about ministry, reading the Bible, serving in Church, becoming discerning in the things they hear and read, as well as thinking to the future of the church, training up other leaders and wanting to have others come to the same understanding that they too have come too. Not only that, but just to see the way that God is working in their lives! It's really exciting and something i'd love for you all to be praying for, for the continuing growth of these guys in their love for His word, and wanting others to understand it more and more. Please also pray for others in the church, and others in Thailand to also come to this understanding of God's word and want to be training others, so that it will be Thai's equipping Thai's in the Word. We feel so blessed to have such a dedicated team for Sunday School these past couple years. It's been such an exciting and fun time serving with them all.
the team at the waterfall - despite not being able to see the waterfall :) haha
an albino hedgehog that was at the ATV shop. very cool!! but not sure i'd want one for a pet.