The morning started with sharing at the 9am service and morning tea afterwards. It was such an encouragement chatting to the 9am congregation. I then went to the 10.30 service where, even though there was a bit of fun in doing the chicken dance for everyone, on a more serious note, i was 'commissioned' and prayed for by some of the Lions kids (kids i taught last year). I was so touched and encouraged by the prayers of the kids. I'm so going to miss them, and even though i won't get to teach them each week, they will continue to be remembered in my prayers.
Chatting with so many people after church was also a huge encouragement. To have many more people continue to come forward wanting to support me in various ways is just so humbling and encouraging. It's hard not to be blown away by God's provision. As an added bonus the kids came back after kids church where they had made some gingerbread as part of their lesson, and they made a special box of ginger bread for me which included my pieces that spelt 'DEB' :)

Then, early this afternoon, i had a couple come round to look at my car. Having never sold a car privately before, there were times that i was a bit anxious in wondering if i would ever sell it, and for how much. Thanks to lots of advice and encouragement from some friends to hold out for the right buyer, God delivered the right buyer this afternoon, and i have now sold my car for more than i thought i would get for it. It's a real answer to prayer, not only for price, but also for the timing of the sale.
Then tonight was the commissioning service. If i wasn't already blown away by all the support and encouragement in the morning, i was even more blown away in the evening. After having a chance to share what i was going to be doing, it was really encouraging to hear from Kevin Murray (APWM) and Craig (DPC) about mission and partnership. Then Simon Longdon gave a really challenging talk from 2 Corinthians 4 about why we need to persevere and not lose heart. It was a great reminder to know that we have God on our side, that we need to be renewed inwardly day by day and make sure that we do not drift, and to be fixing our eyes on what is unseen. Then came the time for the commissioning which you can watch below if you missed it.
It's a huge responsibility to be taking the gospel to Thailand, and i know it's only possible because of God and the support of my Christian family in DPC, CCC, Pioneers, APWM and many others. It was just a huge encouragement to see a church full of people standing as an expression of their support and partnership in heading to Thailand. As Luke and Kevin prayed at the end, i was so overwhelmed by the support, prayers, encouragement and reality of the future that the emotions hit and the tears began flowing. Thankfully being at the front during the last song meant that most people probably didn't notice, but I am just so thankful for all God's blessings, for the amazing family and friends he has provided me and for the encouragement, support and prayers of so many.
For those who pray:
- Praise God for all his abundant blessings
- Praise God for the partnership that we can have in the gospel
- Pray that i will be someone who perseveres, is renewed daily by God and continues to fix my eyes on the things that are unseen