Ok, now this is not something i was expecting, but today my pet hamsters turned into an awesome ministry opportunity. Maybe my sister knew there was something special about them when she gave them to me.
So what's the story? Well, a couple weeks ago, my 2 pet hamsters decided to have babies - 5 of them! (That's a pic of one of them above - they're really cute) i was trying to work out what to do with them all, cos unfortunately my cage isn't that big. Fortunately, i've realised that giving away hamsters isn't really that hard over here. Anyway, today i had a couple spare hours so i thought i really should clean out hamster cage out. It just so happens that all the neighbourhood kids are now on holidays (for their long summer break). So curious as to what i was doing in the garage, one of the girls Um (i think that was her name) came up and asked me what i was doing. So i showed the the hamsters and next thing you know, i've got 4 kids in my place making themselves at home. I got to teach them how to play Sumo (very exciting for those of you who know me and the game!) and we spend the next few hours playing games and the kids got to terrorise the poor baby hamsters. But the good thing is that i haven't really had a chance to get to know my neighbours that well since i moved in. partly cos i'm not sure what to say to them - or what i can say to them. but i'm hoping that through the hamsters and the kids, that i'll be able to get to know my neighbours much better in the coming months and that i'll be able to start building relationships with them too.
so please pray for my neighbours. i have no idea where they're at, who they really are and the like. but i can't wait to find out