Not that making things look 'beautiful' has ever really been one of my strong points, but i'm fast discovering that over here, appearance and 'beauty' is really important and thai's will go to extraordinary lengths to make things as beautiful as possible. The past week has been a steep learning curve of trying to work out what is beautiful here and what is not and all i can take away from it is that i've got a LOT to learn about what Thai's consider beautiful. In all honesty, it seems that their idea of beautiful is the complete opposite of whatever i consider beautiful. So right now, i'm kinda just doing the opposite to what i personally would like if it were for me.
So what do i do when i'm given a wedding cake to decorate? well, apart from freak out and try to convince them that they're nuts in asking me to do it, i figure as long as i can add pink to it somewhere (pink is BIG in this country), and do to it what i probably would not do for me, everything would be ok. So this was the end result?
So now, i'm a really talented individual who is very clever at decorating cakes now too. i'm seriously hoping and praying that i won't have to do any more! :)
So, here are a few other shots of Oum's wedding
The flower decorations inside
A group of us the night before making all the flower decorations
me with Oum & Keir
The flower girls and page boy (James & Mimi in the middle)
My Cell group at the wedding
me and Kim