Ok, i'll post the photo of me in another skirt to satisfy curiosity first. Here's me at Mam & Up's wedding on saturday (with John, Denise and the kids too).
I've finally managed to have a slightly more low key week this week which has been really nice especially after the killer week of cooking and couriering last week. My teacher asked to reschedule a couple lessons last week too (which i was more then happy to do as it means i've got a free friday and monday with no lessons) as she was heading out of Thailand for the first time ever in her life after she won a trip to China at a christmas party last year. Very exciting opportunity for her as there's no way that she'd be able to afford to go overseas on her own. I actually can't wait to hear how the trip went. When i asked her if she'd finished packing yet, she said 'no' (this is the day she was flying out by the way), and was asking me what she needed to pack. then she started listing off her items (in order of importance). 1. Medicine (in case of diarrhea, 2. a towel......then she asked me how to use the toilets on an airplane as she'd be told that they weren't like 'normal' toilets and wasn't sure how to use them....hmmmm going to be an interesting trip :) hehe
So my low key week still meant weddings, wedding rehearsals (as i was helping to do music at this wedding too), trying to get some filming, script writing and editing done for a couple videos i'm needing to make.
here's me at Mam & Up's wedding with Da and Aop
I also had the chance to meet up with Ning this week, a Thai girl who is part of the small team of Thai's translating the book of Mark into sign language here. She's actually from South of Thailand, but during the time she's working on this project, she'll be coming up to Chiang Mai every 3 months or so.
It's really exciting to meet Thai's who are passionate to help others get the word of god in their own language. The hard thing for many deaf Thai's is that they also can't read, so their only access to the gospel is if they come across a thai christian who is able to sign. And from what i hear, there aren't many at all!! As i was talking to Ning, it was obvious she had a huge passion and commitment to getting this translation done, but at the same time was hugely daunted by the task ahead of her. That day, she had spent the whole day translating and had completed 2 paragraphs from the book of Mark! There are also other difficulties in that southern and northern signed thai is not really the same either, so it makes translating all the more difficult. There's plenty more i'd love to share about this, but will do a bit later
For those who are praying:
- please pray for Ning and for the 2 'teams' (1 from the south and one from the north) as they translate the book of Mark. Pray they will translate it accurately and in a way that will be helpful for those that watch it. Also pray for them to find more people who can also help them with this project.
This week, I also got to go check out a 'leadership conference' that was being hosted by a church here in Chiang Mai, and the short story is that there is a lot of 'interesting', 'random' teaching of the Bible that is happening over here, and it's scary to see how people lap it up, because they just really don't know any different. Just highlights to me how big the need is here for good Bible teaching and people who can teach thai's to read and understand the bible for themselves.
For those praying
- Please pray for thai christians to be given the opportunity to be taught 'well' from the Bible, and for them to get understanding and wisdom so they can discern what is truth and what is not from God's word.
And when i had some time at home, a few of the neighbourhood kids came around to play with the hamsters. Here are some of the girls who usually come over to play
All in all, it's been nice to catch up on some sleep and even finish reading a book! oh yeah, believe it or not, i've also managed to finish reading my first christian book while i'm here (new record for me i think - only 4 months for this one). And i got to see Indiana Jones too. I'm always up for a bit of Indy action. So bit of R&R this week which is always nice.
Anyway, will write more about some of the above mentioned things a bit later. For those who are praying, it'd be great to be praying for those things mentioned above.