God will never cease to amaze me in the way that he works. When i first came here, i helped them to make a simple flyer to promote the restaurant. I'm not sure how the person at Compassion ended up with the flyer - if it was through one of my friends that i gave the brochure to who worked there, or through another means, but however it happened, Compassion had a weeklong conference and a 'graduation' type ceremony (still not quite sure what that was all about) and was needing for some catering. Through that one camp, we've made close to the entire years budget. Mind you, it was an absolute killer, but it's something to really praise God for.
While it was hard work, i did manage to have a lot of fun making various slices, cakes, cookies and brownies for the first time ever - and in bulk! Pi Ratree didn't realise i hadn't ever made them before and thankfully she didn't find out til after i had made most of it and she had tasted it and given it the tick of approval. Here are a few of my creations:
Pumpkin Cookies
Actually, LOTS of pumpkin cookies
Choc Brownies. Unfortunately they weren't 'Betty' ones, but it's a recipe that's about as close to Betty as you're going to get making it from scratch
At the Graduation ceremony, i discovered a 'new' Thaiglish' word which i personally think is ingenious. I was watching them as they put the letters up and it had me completely baffled for a while as to what they were trying to spell.
I'm hoping that this week i'll be able to catch up on a bit of the rest i lacked from last week (in fact the past month). But one thing you can be praying for is for the opportunity i have on Wednesday to share my testimony to the teachers at my school. i'm still really hoping to do it in Thai, which has obvious limitations for me. Please pray that i'll be able to say what i want to say in Thai and that the teachers will be able to understand me and that the time will be encouraging and challenging for them as well (even if it is just trying to understand me :) haha)
I've also got a meeting with Niim, a girl who's working with SIL in translating the Bible into Thai sign language this week. It's still in it's early stages, but it'll be a great chance to meet some of the people i hope to also work with later on when they're ready for production of the Thai signed bible.
There are plenty of other things also happening this week, with helping my teacher do a song for her 'worship' time at school next week, Mam and Up's wedding on Saturday (and yes, i am helping with music for this wedding too), teaching english at Baan Tawai tomorrow night, i've got to get cracking on making a few videos for church and for other missionaries here, sort out some marketing for some christian organisations here, plus a few other things. Hmmm, and i thought it was going to be a quieter week :) hehe For those who are praying, it'd be great if you can pray that i'll fit some rest into the mix :)