So tomorrow will be a sad day at school as it's the last day for a couple of the teachers - Khruu Kwan & Khruu Orr's. Khruu Kwan was my teacher for my first 6 months here and ้has not only been a great teacher but is now an awesome friend too. It'll be sad not to see her around school anymore (things at school will be changing lots in the next couple months for various reasons). But it's been exciting to see the way that she has been trusting God through all this. At the end of last week, she only had 4 lessons for the whole week - which wasn't nearly enough income. But this week alone, God has been great and has been answering prayer and providing for her and now, even though it's still not nearly enough students as she would like, she's got enough to be living on and paying the expenses (just). So praise God!!! i'm sure that in another month, she will have more then enough students - well, that's our prayer at least.
So tonight, we had a bit of a farewell dinner for for the teachers who are leaving at my 'favourite' restaurant - 'Goong-ga-tar'!!!
Anyway, for those who are praying, please keep on praying for Khruu Kwan (and Khruu Orr) as they leave the school, that God will be providing for them
- please also pray for the 'school' and the teachers there, that God will be looking over everything that happens there and be looking after all those there
- thank God for his provision and his care and sovereignty

at dinner with all the teachers and some other students

Me with Khruu Kwan and another fellow Aussie Helen