So last post on a few of my reflections i mentioned that one of the things that was really tugging at my heart was to be seeing Thai Christians grow to a maturity in Christ and be able to train up other Thai's and have thai's creating christian resources for thai's. In many ways, it seems like a huge dream, but one thing i was reminded of recently when listening to a talk from Isaiah, was the fact that we need to dream 'BIG' and to pray for those things and know that things that we might consider 'big' really aren't that big for God. He is able to do ANYTHING and we need to believe it and be faithful and do our bit.
Going to Bible College was always something that was on the agenda should long term overseas mission become more of a reality. As much as i dislike study, i knew that if i was to stay here long term, going to college would be a good idea. The more i think about the type of ministry that i'd like to be involved in for the future, the more important i think heading to college will be, to make sure that i'm as equipped as i can be so that i can be most effective that i can be over here. As i was talking to one of the missionary students at school today, it became even clearer to me the importance of being equipped and having a greater knowledge of the Bible and of God, especially if we want to train others. Apart from the odd 'freakish' person, generally most student's only ever learn as much as their teacher can teach them. So i'm thinking, (not that i'm planning on doing this on my own), but if i want to be involved in training thai's to a level of maturity so that they ultimately can be teaching, training Thai's, creating resources and hopefully growing the church over here, i need to make sure that i'm equipped as well as i possibly can be. It got me thinking, "is my understanding and 'ability' at a level that can do all that? Can i teach others to do all that?" Well, if i honestly think about it, i think i could do it to a certain extent, but i know that i have so much MORE to learn to even come close to being at a level that i think is necessary to be here long term doing that. I don't want to think that i know it all already and am not in any need of learning more, because i know that anything more that i learn is just more stuff i can be using to equip more thai's over here. how cool would that be to be able to teach others all we know about the Bible and have them excited to know more too.
So that leaves the question, what to do next? My initial idea was to come over for a year and 'test the waters' and see. Well, on testing the waters, i'm beginning to think that jumping in is most likely the way to go. But i think i need to learn how to be a 'strong swimmer' first. Which involves 2 things - more language learning, and being equipped more in the Bible. So what's the best way to go about that? Should i stay here for an extra year (ie stay here for an initial 2 year period) before heading back to college, or should i head back at the end of this year to head to college next year? Both plans have lots of pros and cons. Right now, i'm tempted to look at staying for the extra year, to try and concrete down more language and culture (which i hope that i won't lose as much of when i head back to oz), but also get a much better understanding of what it is i want to learn at college and so get the most of that. Or do i try and equip myself as much as i can as soon as i can, but possibly still be restricted cos of lost and lack of language? hmmmm...... lots to think and pray about.
for those praying, please pray for wisdom in what to do next year and for the future. Obviously, i'll still need to ask many of you for your continued support both prayerfully and financially for whatever it is that ends up happening. i know that God will open the doors that need to be opened and help to make things clearer for the future.
Another point for prayer is wisdom in what to do visa wise should i look at staying on for an additional year. My current student visa isn't meant to expire til early next year, however there is a possibility that my visa might have to end earlier then that. If that is to happen, i think i have a few other possible visa options available to me, but i'm just not sure what is the best thing to do right now. Please pray for the issues around the visa (sorry to be a bit vague, but it's a long story - basically some issues at the school i've got my visa through at the moment), for wisdom in what to do, that my student visa won't 'expire' earlier then it should, or if it does, that it won't end up being a major problem
anyway, still lots more thoughts to come, so stay posted :)