I also (reluctantly) went along to a 'book club' at church, which i thought was pretty amusing seeing how much i love reading english books, so what chance do i have of reading a thai book?!?! Felt kinda stupid going to this book club seeing as i didn't have a copy of the book let alone even open or read a single page of the book! But my friend kim was one of the people leading it, and she really wanted me to go to support her, so that's why i went.
Last saturday, we had a school 'field trip' where we went bamboo rafting. It was tops fun, even if it was crazily dangerous at times. for those who have been before, it actually had small rapids, which don't seem that bad until you're the person who's 'steering' the raft and you realise how hard it is to turn the raft so you don't crash into the rocks. Let's just say that after one massive pile up of rafts, and a few decent crashes into rocks, i'm really surprised our raft was still holding together by the end. Every time we hit another rock, i was sure that was going to be it for the raft. But thank God, it held together! Heaps of fun tho, and a great time to spend more time with teachers and other students from school. I also got to ride a chopper back from the rafting which was awesome fun. First time i've ridden a 'real' motorbike since being here. So despite breaking every rule that Ange and Rich ever taught me about riding - ie wear proper protective clothing, footwear etc. i ended up riding back through the mountains in shorts, t-shirt, thongs, no gloves and a helmet that didn't fit me!! Only in thailand. But it was heaps fun!! Here are a few pics from the day

the crash

chilling out at the end

typical 'deb' shot

me trying to take Aor out


On the way there - how many people can you fit into the back of a Ute?!?!?

At lunch

Khruu Nan & Khruu Ang
Then there were the usual church activities on Sunday, school and baan tawai on monday, team meeting and bible study prep with Kim on tuesday, then school and catching up with my friend Buu tonight. Starting this weekend and all next week is our 'Area Retreat' - basically all the Pioneers misso's who work in the mainland south east asia area will be coming together. Should be a good time to get to know lots of the other misso's heaps better, get fed with some bible teaching in ENGLISH, and have some much needed time out. for those that are praying, please pray that this time will be a good time away of encouragement, feeding and rest.
The week after that, i'll actually be heading over to Singapore for a few days to meet up with some friends from Oz. i'm really excited to be able to catch up with Tan, Matt, Kristen, Nick and all the kids over there. It'll be my first time out of thailand since arriving, so it actually feels kinda weird, but really looking forward to seeing some old friends. Gotta thank God that we could find days in common and that it's the week that school has a break too, as it's songkran week that week, and that there were really cheap airfares over there too. I got return tickets for all of $270AUD!! not bad eh?
so for those praying, please be praying for the conference, for Ajarn Jazz, for Baan Tawai, and for safe travels over the next couple weeks. I'll try to put up a few posts over the next couple weeks, but i'm really not sure how much net access i'll have, so we'll see how we go :)