Back to the time away, it was a really interesting time away. In addition to getting some time out with my friend and her family, it was also a real insight into 'country' life and many customs that i still know very little about and can barely understand. It seems that this 100 day ceremony is like one last attempt by the family and friends to help the person who died be able to go to a better place in the next life. The monks come along to the house, chant all these various things (which i was told no one actually understands as they use a really ancient language), the bones of the dead person are there so they can be blessed. Afterwards, the monks get a special meal, and the dead person is also given plates of food as well. After the monks eat, they then go, then everyone else can then eat. The thing that struck me most was just the lack of certainty that these people could ever have with regards to what really happens after we die. It made me really want to praise God for giving us such a confidence and living hope that we know that we will have a resurrected life after this world. Seeing a house full of people who were there at the 100 day ceremony really made me think how many people are out there who are yet to know Jesus and what he has done for us. Please be praying for all those that do not yet have the same hope that we have.
Here are a few pics from the weekend.
me with Im and Jai
Dao, the 'pseudo adopted daughter' of Jai
Dao's old house
the ceremony
the monks that came
at the house