Yes, can you believe that I have been to another wedding and worn yet ANOTHER dress. And there is photographic evidence to prove it as well. It's never ceased to amaze me how many weddings and funerals i've managed to go to over here when only 2 years ago, i didn't know anyone over here apart from my sister and a few other misso's working over here. So it's nuts to think that i've been to 5 weddings in 2 years with one more to go next January. Last weekend, i was able to go to the wedding of a cousin of my good friend where my friend was the bridesmaid. It was really encouraging to hear and finally understand a good proportion of what was going on and the message that was given that day. I still remember the first wedding that i went to here where i had to help with the music and i had absolutely NO idea what was going on. So to compare back to that time, i feel like i've managed to come a long way with language which is nice. I was also able to help translate what was going on to a few other foreigners who have only been here for a few months and had no idea what was happening.
Anyway, thought i'd share a few photos from the day. There is still something about Thai weddings and decorations that i think is ingenious! if i am to ever get married, there are some things i reckon are definitely the way to go, and others that i think better to steer clear of.

The wedding car

In the church

In the church

Nong Dao, my friends 'pseudo adopted' daughter

me and Dao

with Jai, Mac and a couple of the kids from church

those of us in green or borrowed apparel from Jai

with the bride and groom (and other friends)

the boquet - who needs real flowers when you can use chocolates? ingenious!