The Good Friday Service at church was awesome. The organising team did a great job of not only of putting together a great presentation that involved drama, multimedia, group involvement and an explanation about what it was that Jesus has done for us and why it was necessary. A couple of the highlights for me was the way they brought to life Jesus’ trial and his innocence, and his death on the cross. To help us understand Jesus death on the cross, we were all given a small black and white cutout of a person. On the black piece we were to write down some of our sins which we all then got to nail up to a cross that had been made. We then kept the white piece as a way of remembering that Jesus death has taken away our sins and made us ‘clean’. Here are a few pics from the night.
Making the cross
Em & Joseph wearing the Roman Centurion costumes
Good Friday Service
Everyone lining up to nail our sins to the cross
Nailing our 'sins' to the cross
All the sins that Jesus bore for us
The night was so powerful that poor Mimi was a bit shocked and sad at the end of the night. For some reason, she had thought we were going to church to have a party, but as the presentation unfolded, it was nothing of the sort and I think she really began to understand so much more what had happened to Jesus that day he died on the cross.