Spending time with my Thai friend Bui
One of the biggest highlights for me of the week was being able to hear a Thai guy, Ajarn Narin, preach to us (in english) from Gen 1-11. Even though he is a NT lecturer, he brought many new insights to the first few chapters of Genesis, and was able to use his NT knowledge to really challenge us to see how a good, solid understanding of the OT is foundational for understanding the NT, and even the idea of world mission as he linked the Tower of Babel story though to Revelation where we will see a reversal of people of all nations being scattered, to people of all nations, from every tribe and tongue, coming together in the new city. For those who have been to Bible college, it was like him showing us a massive chiasm of the whole Bible, although, he referred to it as a sandwich :) My hope and prayer is that we will see many more Thais come to understand and teach the Bible as he was able to teach us.
Ajarn Narin in action
In one of our many meetings
During the conference, i had the privilege of being able to help out with the music. It was the first time i got to solidly play an electronic kit which was interesting. I think i'd still prefer a real kit, but in any case, it was heaps of fun being able to play with some great like-minded musos. I'm sure i was the weakest link in the band, but thankfully they were really gracious and went with the flow.
Helping out with the music
One of the sadder parts of the conference was the reality that some of our members will be leaving the field. Unfortunately due to health issues, our area leaders (AL) Joe and Elaine will be heading back this June. They will be sorely missed over here and have done so much for our area in the short time that they have been the AL, however we all know that God will continue to use them in amazing ways back home. On our final night, we were able to put together a special surprise video and photo book, plus we had the chance to pray for them
Praying for Joe, Elaine & their fam
Other small highlights were being able to stay in a really nice resort and on our final night, while the rest of the country was in the middle of Songkran - ie 3 days of national waterfight!, we were toasting marshmallows around a campfire. Don't worry about the fact that we are in the middle of summer here and the average temperature seems to be about 38-39degrees!!! Was all good fun though. Even had the guitars out with some spontaneous singing around the campfire. A great way to finish a great week.
Really nice rooms at the Horizons Resort
Toasting marshies around the campfire
For those who pray:
- Praise God for the opportunity to have a great area conference
- Praise God for Ajarn Narin and his faithful teaching of God's word. Pray for him and his family as they have just moved up to CM, that they settle in well, and find a good church (we're hoping they come to our church)
- Pray for Joe & Elaine as they head back to the US
- Pray that new AL will be found for the SiAM area