One of the things I was really praying for was for some good neighbours who I could build relationships with and be a good witness to. Over the past week, I've been able to meet quite a few of the neighbours as I walked the 200m to the community washing machines. I'm really excited about the opportunities to be building relationships with them all. Already I've had a chance to share the gospel with a couple of them as we simply chatted about what I'm doing here, where I work and what I studied back in Australia. I am also really thankful for my P' Chern, my immediate neighbour who is really friendly, helpful and open to chatting about anything and everything. Not only has she given me a run down on all the various neighbours in the street, and introduced me to several of them. Over the past couple days, we've ended up chatting over the garage wall or in the street for a couple hours which has been really fun. Today as we were talking, she was asking me what I do in my language lessons. I told her that it depends on each week. Sometimes it's just reading grade 2 stories, but weeks that I have to teach the Bible to my cell group, I get my teacher to help me prepare the lessons in Thai. To that, she said if i ever need any help in reading the Bible in Thai, to go and ask her and she'd love to help. I was kinda shocked at the offer as she is a Buddhist and wasn't thinking she'd have any interest in helping me teach the Bible, but who knows what this could lead to. Please be praying for P' Chern and further opportunities to be sharing the good news about God with her.
I also met another neighbour yesterday too, P' Paa, who is a Christian. I'm not sure which church she goes to, but am excited about the opportunities we might have to encourage each other.
So, lots to give thanks for in terms of the neighbourhood so far! Still many neighbours I'm yet to meet, but so far, lots of opportunities.