Welcome to PlaaPlaaPlaa!

So you may be wondering why PlaaPlaaPlaa? What are those strange fish symbols above? What is ปลา and what does it mean? In short, this is a blog site, so surely there's going to be plenty of rambling. Unfortunately BlahBlahBlah was already taken, so I had to settle for the 'Plaa'. But there's actually more to it then just ramblings. The first fish symbol is actually a Christian symbol meaning ICTHUS - a greek acronymn which means "Jesus Christ is God's Son, the Saviour". The other strange letters you see in the last fish is actually the thai word for fish which funnily enough is pronounced "Plaa". So when you put it all together, this site is going to be my ramblings in telling people about how Jesus Christ is God's Son, the Saviour in Thailand (with plenty of good stories about food in between). Happy reading.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Getting the Creative Juices flowing

One of the things I love about being here is the opportunity to try out lots of random things that I never thought i'd ever do, or even thought that I could do for that matter. It's amazing what you can actually do when you put your mind to it, have a bit of time, and are able to buy parts cheaply so mistakes aren't too costly. I was actually kinda impressed with our efforts last month in making our purple monster puppet, who has now been given the name Peepo, by watching a few 'how to' videos on youtube. At the time, we had also come up with a rough design for a puppet theatre too, but for a whole host of reasons we never got round to making it. But after Peepo made his debut in church a couple weeks back, we realised just how much more effective Peepo could be if he had a 'proper' puppet theatre so he could actually interact with the kids. So this past week, we finally set aside a few hours to try and make our concept a reality. After an amusing start where we realised that our 1.5m wide puppet theatre could in fact fit about 4 puppets, we made a few adjustments to the design and here's the end result. Peepo's theatre. Hopefully making it's appearance this Sunday.

The demountable frame made of water pipes and connectors

A bit of dodgy sewing, but it does the job

And voia, Peepo's new theatre