Dinner with the SMBC team at Goong-Ga-Ta
It was really exciting to be able to spend some time with the SMBC team while they were here on mission. I got to catch up with the team and share a bit about life here over a dinner and a lunch. On the teams last night I also ended up assisting some of the boys in living out their childhood fascination of lighting fireworks. It was exciting to be able to have the girls from the team come and spend a few days with me after their mission finished. Despite one of them somehow managing to get the childhood disease of hand, foot and mouth disease while she was here (so needing to rest up big time), i had heaps of fun hanging out with them, being able to give them a glimpse into my life here, introducing them to a few of my Thai friends, taking them along to my bible study group and even being able to join them in a Thai cooking class at my friend's cooking school, as well as a bit of time to chill out. Having the girls here brought back great memories of being back at college, great fellowship, silliness, food, encouragement, but sadly, no practical jokes :)
Thai cooking with the girls
the girls showing off their thai cooking skills
Suitably amused that the display at Chiang Mai airport was promoting koalas in Chiang Mai
Lots of my other time has also been spent building relationships and hanging out with lots of Thai friends. It's been great hanging out with lots of old friends, but i've also really been loving getting to know and some of the neighbours heaps more as well as well as spending time with some new Thai friends like P'Fon and her family. It's been a real blessing being able to spend time with them, be really encouraged by their wisdom and desire to serve God. It's also been heaps of fun just being able to hang out with them.
Hanging with P'Fon
For those who pray:
- Praise God for the opportunity to spend time with the SMBC this month
- Praise God for all new and old relationships with Thai friends
- Pray for wisdom in continued relationship building, that it will be godly and help others to know God more