Welcome to PlaaPlaaPlaa!

So you may be wondering why PlaaPlaaPlaa? What are those strange fish symbols above? What is ปลา and what does it mean? In short, this is a blog site, so surely there's going to be plenty of rambling. Unfortunately BlahBlahBlah was already taken, so I had to settle for the 'Plaa'. But there's actually more to it then just ramblings. The first fish symbol is actually a Christian symbol meaning ICTHUS - a greek acronymn which means "Jesus Christ is God's Son, the Saviour". The other strange letters you see in the last fish is actually the thai word for fish which funnily enough is pronounced "Plaa". So when you put it all together, this site is going to be my ramblings in telling people about how Jesus Christ is God's Son, the Saviour in Thailand (with plenty of good stories about food in between). Happy reading.

Friday, February 1, 2008

12 Baskets

12 Baskets is the Restaurant that Cana House has just recently started. Some of you may recall me talking about wanting to help them with a possible business opportunity that they're starting in order to:
1. help raise additional funds to keep the orphanage going
2. hopefully give some of the kids some work experience
3. if successful, hopefully give some of the kids some work should they need it when they reach the age they need to leave the orphanage (about 15)

It's been an interesting challenge to work out how best to help them, what is the wisest way to give them advice and how to train them to think 'business mindedly'. it's not really in anyone's best interest that this whole venture is either a financial or physical drain for any of them as they're already all flat out as it is.

So to kick things off, i decided to help make them a simple flyer they can use to help promote the restaurant. It's pretty simple - front is a quick blurb to promote the restaurant and the back is the menu. Having to do it all in thai was a bit of a challenge at times, but that's what made doing it more fun too :)

Prayer Points:
- pray for 12 Baskets, that people will come along to the restaurant and that it will be a venture that is glorifying to God
- pray for wisdom for me in the provision of advice to them