When we went out there, we got to pray for the family, spend some time chatting (well, i sat and listened), and got to eat some of the sweetest strawberries i've ever eaten (as they live right near some strawberry fields). It was encouraging to see a small community of people there bonding together at this time making crepe paper flowers and other decorations which will be used for the funeral. In so many ways, it was really surreal being out there and being a part of their preparation time (as brief as it was), but something that really touched me and challenged me to be trusting in God and wanting to encourage others to do the same, no matter how tough life gets. There are just so many things that we don't understand about the way that God does things, but i hope and pray that through our sufferings, God will be strengthening us to trust him more and to look forward and long for the day that Jesus returns - when there will be no more crying, mourning or pain.
Pi Dai's house in Sameong
praying for the family
Norng Dar's coffin
The view from Pi Dai's house
For those who are praying:
- please keep on praying for Pi Dai and his family (he's also got 7month old twins and another child - i think about 3yrs old)
- pray for our church as we try to keep on encouraging him, even though there is some distance now
- pray that each of us will continue to look forward to the day when Jesus returns and to live our lives in light of that, and to make the most of every opportunity, cos we really don't know what's around the corner