I can't believe that 6 months has already gone by! Time has seriously flown - in a really good way! i'm continually being amazed at the people God brings into my life over here and the way that God continues to work in so many ways over here.
The past 2-3 weeks has felt like a bit of a bit of a 'breakthrough' time with language. i can no longer speak english very well, often finding that i'm mixing thai words into my english now - maybe not quite as much as i mix english into Thai, but i can now no longer speak any language fluently! :) haha Seriously though, the past couple weeks has felt like a breakthrough in that i feel like i'm now generally understanding MORE then less when people are just speaking Thai all around me, and that i can communicate so much more. Obviously still have a long way to go yet, but it's a nice feeling to actually know more of what's going on and guessing less (even though there is still plenty of guessing too).
Last night, i had dinner at my teachers place. There ended up being 9 of us there - a mix of Thai's and Aussies (3 aussies, 6 thai's) - all of who spoke varying degrees of each others language, but no one fluent in both. What i thought was the most amusing was out of everyone there, my teachers husband and i were probably the most bi-lingual people there, so ended up having to try and do most of the translation when needed. How hilarious is that? i'd hate to think what i did translate at times, but it's always a great way to push me in my language and force me to work out ways of explaining stuff with whatever vocab i do have.
But with more language also comes more knowledge too though of 'issues' that are going on in other peoples lives as they want to share with me, ask me for advice, ask for my prayer etc. At the moment, my teacher has a few personal issues. For those who are praying, please pray that she'll have wisdom to think clearly and make decisions that will be helpful for her and her family and that she'll keep on trusting God more and more as she faces difficult decisions.
Anyway, i also mentioned that i'd post up a video that gives a quick glimpse of just some of the stuff that i've been up to in the past 6 months while i'm here. for DPCers, this is a bit of a sneak preview if you happen to check this out before it gets shown at church :) hope you enjoy