Welcome to PlaaPlaaPlaa!

So you may be wondering why PlaaPlaaPlaa? What are those strange fish symbols above? What is ปลา and what does it mean? In short, this is a blog site, so surely there's going to be plenty of rambling. Unfortunately BlahBlahBlah was already taken, so I had to settle for the 'Plaa'. But there's actually more to it then just ramblings. The first fish symbol is actually a Christian symbol meaning ICTHUS - a greek acronymn which means "Jesus Christ is God's Son, the Saviour". The other strange letters you see in the last fish is actually the thai word for fish which funnily enough is pronounced "Plaa". So when you put it all together, this site is going to be my ramblings in telling people about how Jesus Christ is God's Son, the Saviour in Thailand (with plenty of good stories about food in between). Happy reading.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Thanks DPC!!! :)

I'm very excited that my friend Bron arrived tonight! Bron's a friend from DPC who will be staying with me for the next 6 weeks as she does some uni research here. Sorry there's no pic of Bron up here just yet to prove that she did actually arrive safely, but i'm hoping that a picture of all the goodies she's brought over for me from my church family at DPC is proof enough that she arrived safe and sound!

I wish there were words to express how i'm feeling right now, just knowing and being reassured of all the support, encouragement and love i have back home from DPC. I really do thank and praise God for the support he's given me through DPC. It's not just the practical stuff that's been sent, but knowing that there is a team that's working together for the good of the gospel and to ultimately bring glory to God as more people come to know Him. Thanks DPC'ers for your constant support and prayer.

I'm sure all these Tim Tams will also help me put back on a few of the kgs that i've managed to shed, despite eating constantly over :) do you think there's enough here? :)

by the way, the bottom 4 packs are double packs as well! :)