One of the big blessings about being in Chiang Mai is the opportunity to not only work with my sister and her family, but to also spend time with them and enjoy milestones like my nephews 1st birthday! I think having missed most of Mimi & James' birthdays over the years makes me really appreciate the blessing of being able to be here for Seanie's 1st birthday and just the blessing of being able to spend time with family here, pretty much whenever i want, or whenever they want.
I guess in some ways for me, it's a practical glimpse of looking at what a privilege it is for us to be able to come to God and spend time with him whenever! iIt's such a big contrast to the Israelites in the OT who could only come into God's presence once a year, and only after having done all the various sacrifices to make themselves 'presentable' before God etc. In past years, i could only see my sis and the family if i came over to Thailand (or they came to Oz which was less frequent), or if i called on the phone to speak to them, but often the kids would be too 'busy' watching TV or playing games to want to speak to boring 'aunty deb'. So now, the opportunity to drop by at any time and celebrate special occasions is such a huge privilege and blessing which i know i should never take for granted, but should treasure each moment. Same as us and God as well. What a HUGE privilege and blessing it is for us to be able to come to God's word whenever because of what Jesus has done for us, to be able to pray to him whenever, to know that he wants us to spend time with him. How great is our God?!?!
So tonight we got to celebrate Seanie's 1st birthday. Had lots of fun with family and friends, Bron organised lots of games for the kids which they just loved (they were asking for more), ate way too much food again, and got to decorate yet another cake.
(sorry, you've got to turn your heads sideways again)
Overall, i think it was a great night, although, i'm sure sean wasn't quite so aware of the fact that all the fuss was about him.
Here's some proof that i am trying to take care of Bron and that i didn't just take the tim tams and leave her on a street corner to fend for herself
Sean with lots of family and friends