Welcome to PlaaPlaaPlaa!

So you may be wondering why PlaaPlaaPlaa? What are those strange fish symbols above? What is ปลา and what does it mean? In short, this is a blog site, so surely there's going to be plenty of rambling. Unfortunately BlahBlahBlah was already taken, so I had to settle for the 'Plaa'. But there's actually more to it then just ramblings. The first fish symbol is actually a Christian symbol meaning ICTHUS - a greek acronymn which means "Jesus Christ is God's Son, the Saviour". The other strange letters you see in the last fish is actually the thai word for fish which funnily enough is pronounced "Plaa". So when you put it all together, this site is going to be my ramblings in telling people about how Jesus Christ is God's Son, the Saviour in Thailand (with plenty of good stories about food in between). Happy reading.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hanging With Friends

One of the things I love about being here is being able to hang out with friends. Hanging with friends gives me an opportunity to not only build relationships with others, but more importantly, it allows me to be able to share my life with them which I think is really important for ministry. Last weekend, I got to go on a tiaw with a couple of my friends. We went to cafe out in Mae Rim and got to chill out, drink some awesome fruit shakes, pizza and other Thai food. What was really exciting for me was to have the chance to chat with one of my Buddhist friend's about God and different experiences she's had with Christians over the past couple years. Having not had the chance to chat to her about Christianity since I've come back, this time talking to her, I have seen the way she has changed over the past few years and how she has softened to be willing to talk about God and not trying to remind us that she is a Buddhist all the time. My prayer is that God will keep working in her life and softening her heart and that there will be many more opportunities to be sharing my life with her.

The awesome fruit shakes we got to drink

I also had all the Sunday School teachers over for dinner one night too. I realised the other week that so often we end up serving together, meeting together to do a bible study and prep of the lesson, but in that time, there isn't much opportunity for us to hang out together and get to know each other better. So I thought a meal together would be a good start at least. So after a massive feast of Suki (like a chinese steam boat), we also made some Anzac biscuits and a banana cream crepe cake. It was a fun night together. Hoping that we can be doing plenty more of the them in the future too.

Most of the SS teachers (L-R - P'Fon, P'Soong, Me, Denise, P'Pao, P'Waad

the crepe cake

Check the layers - with butterscotch sauce to go! YUM!!!