I'm loving being able to help teach Sunday School. Teaching Sunday School is broken up into 3 parts, firstly doing the bible study with all the teachers, secondly, coming up with a big idea for what we just learnt and being creative in how we're going to try and teach it to the kids, and finally, teaching it to the kids. In addition to loving being part of the teaching team, and seeing people grow in their understanding of the Word and desire to see the kids also know God better, it's also a great way for me to improve my language. While i don't yet trust myself to do a big teaching spot with the kids, it's been fun and challenging to lead activities for the kids, lead the prayer time. I never realised how difficult it is to explain 'rules' for a game. The vocab required is so not your typical conversational stuff. But in the mix, i've also had the chance to do a short talk using some 'magic' a few weeks back as a way to do a quick summary of stuff we've learnt from the Big Picture of the bible and how it would lead into the story of Daniel.
The past few months, we've been working our way through the Big Picture of the Bible, helping the kids to see how the Old Testament actually points us to Jesus, and how Jesus is the one who fulfils all of God's promises in the Old Testament. It's been exciting to see the kids remember the things they've learnt each week, and also have fun in learning the Bible. Here are a few pics of the kids trying to recreate a lego scene from whatever lego pieces they were given. Of course what they created was never going to be as good as the original image, it was always going to be a poor replica,. This was our way to try and introduce the story of the rebuilding of the temple after the exiles, which ultimately would lead us learn that Jesus is the true temple. I was particularly impressed by James' attempt at a an Angry Bird.
The kids attempting to recreate lego scenes
The Angry Birds Scene
James' attempt at a lego Angry Bird
For those who pray:
- Praise God for the team of SS teachers
- Pray for the SS teachers, to be growing in their understanding of God's word and eagerness to be teaching the kids
- Pray for the kids we teach, that what we teach will be giving them a solid foundation for their understanding of the Bible and for their faith