One of the things that really encourages me over here, but something i still need to get used to, is the eagerness some of the Christians have here to be praying. 4hr prayer meetings on a Friday night that are scheduled to finish at midnight is not a common occurrence at my church back in Oz. In fact, I don't think it has ever happened, or is likely to happen in the near future. However, over here no one seems to blink an eye. People are more than happy to give up a Friday evening to come and pray, encourage and fellowship with their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. While I still need to get used to the style of it all, it was great to be able to firstly sing praises to God, and then be praying for a whole host of things, from personal prayer points, different cell groups within church, different ministries in the church, our new church building, for Thailand, the government and lots of other things. Even though we didn't end up finishing til almost 12.30, I was personally quite amazed how quickly the time passed by. I think i always need to be reminded of the privilege it is to be able to come to God in prayer and to bring all things before him and that i need to be doing more of it. So please be praying that I'll be praying.
Praying for different Cell Groups
Praying for each other
Me leading a quick session for my cell group